2025 ITC 36 PhD Workshop
The ITC 36 PhD Workshop on Networking will be held in Trondheim, Norway in conjunction with ITC 36. The goal of the PhD workshop is to gather young researchers, pursuing their PhD or having just completed it, to share their contribution and discuss new ideas. This discussion will take place during this workshop in a poster session.
The main topics of the workshop focus on the following areas:
- Performance Evaluation, Control and Optimization
- Network Measurements, BigData and AI
- Networking Architectures and Paradigms
- Wireless and Cellular Networks
Workshop Organizers
- Amr Rizk, Workshop Chair, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
- Francescomaria Faticanti Workshop Chair, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Call for abstracts
Each author should submit 1-page (double column) abstract. All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the workshop organizers.
The two best abstracts will be selected for a 20 minute presentation in a special spotlight session.
Submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=phditc25
Presenters of the PhD workshop will have to prepare:
- All presenters: 1-2 minute teaser presentation. This will draw attention to your poster presentation. In this short presentation, each author should highlight what their poster is about and why it will be great to come and look at it.
- All presenters: A poster to be presented during the poster session.
- The winners of the 2 best abstract awards should prepare a 20-minute presentation. Each presentation will be followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.
Submission deadline is April 4th, 2025.
The winners of the 2 best abstract awards will be announced on April 15th.